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Stepping Stones with Moss

Why this title? How do I express the highs of accomplishing tasks mixed with the unplanned slips along the way. I think it’s why I didn’t do a blog last week.

We’ve actually had a couple good weekends of finishing somethings but never without a hiccup here and there. I can feel so good about the work on the house and an hour later so exasperated over something else that trips us up.

Last weekend we finished the woodwork on the vaulted area, check. We’d plan to finish the sheetrock upstairs and the plumbing to the water pump. Realizing there was more damage to the plumbing than we thought and that we didn’t have all the parts put a kibosh to those plans. URGH! Trying to put on a positive attitude, we headed out to finish the re-enforcements on the solar panel. Done, check!

Next was the sheet rock but even with the three sheets we purchased, it still fell short. URGH!

This weekend we came prepared with clear plans and all the ‘things’ we needed, or so we thought. First up was the ceiling hatch. We forgot that the framer had made a mistake and we had added two by fours along the rafters. Jer had to chip out part of the wood for the hatch to fit correctly. Done, check!

Next back to the sheetrock with three more pieces. We were still one sheet short. URGH!

Saturday Jer got up early to rent the insulation blower and purchase a whole bunch of bags of ceiling insulation. Funny enough, the drive time took longer than blowing it into the attic. I stabbed the bags and cut them in half, feeding the machine from downstairs while Jer, in his bunny suit, was up in the rafters. Done and had $300 worth of product to return. Check!

I suggested he pick up the last sheet of wallboard for upstairs while returning the machine. Yet, we ran into problems with the very last piece, needing to add some two by fours. Opting to wait until the next day to complete, we spent a chilly night, having problems with our battery and heater. This is exhausting! We still got up early and Jer hit the plumbing first but realized the store gave him the wrong part. URGH! Something else that will have to wait until next week.

Still, all the sheetrock upstairs is installed, and the area has been cleared and swept.  Check! We even fixed a small broken piece of a beam. Yay! Jer took measurements for the next weekend’s plans. Then we loaded the truck with lots of garbage and even made it home a little earlier than usual. Laying down, we immediately fell asleep for a much needed and well deserved nap.

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