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Winter White

Jer and I may not have had a white Christmas and holiday season but there was sure a whole lot of white around us.

The forested area that we are moving to is known for their winter snow, not just inches but feet. On the worst winters, they can have up to nine feet. Thank goodness, it doesn’t fall all at once. Last year it snowed from November through the first week of April. This year has been a different story. Here we are just finishing out the end of the year and the roads have been clear with almost no snow.

With our long drive way clear, it’s made it easy to get in and out to work on our winter projects. I didn’t expect to be going to the property weekly during the winter. Honestly, I really didn’t want to, but we need to take advantage of this unusual winter season. It’s hard to do day trips. Jer and I spent about four and a half hours in drive time and seven hours working. It is paying off though.

The sheet rock we’ve been hanging upstairs covers the walls and ceilings in white. Chalk dust covers the floors in white because of all the special cuts. It’s everywhere. We are closing in on completing the upstairs sheet rock, taping not included. Talk about whether or not we should get another load of sheet rock while we still can get is down the drive way has been a common conversation.

The weather if forecasting snow for next weekend, so we may have missed our window. We’ll see. Things could change. Jer and I feel pressed to meet our timeline. If we end up having to load and unload sheet rock by ourselves, that could be a full day in and of itself. What to do?

Still, I’m encouraged by the fact that we are as far along with sheet rock as we are because of weekly trips. It feels so incredibly slow, yet we just keep going. When I feel discouraged, I remind myself of how often it felt impossible on other parts of this project , yet we did it. The payoff will be great, to have a debt free home in three years isn’t bad.

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