I realized something this week. Over the months Jer and I began working on this dream of building a home debt free, my favorite memories are of the times we both felt like something was too hard for us to do but we did it anyway.
Earlier this week we picked up our window from Home Depot. I prayed someone would see me struggling with
unloading the patio door out of our trailer. Thank goodness, someone came to our rescue. Jer and I unload the rest into our garage that we are storing all things for the property. Appliances come in the next couple weeks. No home yet but we have our solar system, windows, and appliance purchased.
I suggested we go ahead load the solar panels, since it was our goal to finish the rack and attach them this weekend. Our little trailer was just the right size for these six by three and a half foot panels. When Jer opened the pallet and tried to lift one, the look on his face signaled possible doom. I went to help lift and realized they were heavier than we thought. It felt impossible but one by one we lifted, set them in the trailer, move the corner protectors before stacking the next.
We had twenty-four to move. They were awkward and difficult to walk around the trailer wheel fenders. At one point, Jer asked how many we had left? It was too overwhelming to count, so we just kept at it. He had to re-hook up the trailer to the car because of the weight. We figure it was about 1200lbs altogether.
This process was necessary and this was the only night we had time to complete it. I felt SO victorious when we finished loading something that initially felt impossible.
Next was finishing the solar rack and attaching the panels. Remember, Jer and I have never done this before. Our drive to the property was crazy wet. Thankfully, the next day was calling for sunshine. We spent half the day figuring out how to do hang the panels (the directions were lacking), and by noon we had only hang four panels. After a break we began to get a system and by 5pm we had them ALL hung.
We literally had some bumps, bruise, and cuts that bled along the way but we did it! It’s not wired yet but I can’t tell you how awesome this felt to do together and overcome! It’s massive. All the weeks we worked on this, in all kinds of weather, but it is up and ready to power our soon coming home.
Sweet victory!