You know how frustrating it is when everything that can go wrong, does?
Jer got our little RV de-winterized for our trip to search for properties, five and a half hours away. The RV had been in perfect condition last summer. I’m not sure what happened to it, when all it did was sit a few months unused. Now the heater wasn’t working. For a quick trip like ours, and because we would be plugged into power, we’d just use a small space heater. Only one problem. Now the outlets weren’t working either.
Unfortunately, we had to take it in to get worked on. It was an easy fix but it cost. Our quick inexpensive trip was costing us far too much. Then we heard from the camp hosts. It had snowed six inches unexpectedly but they felt confident it would be gone by the time we headed their way.
We packed up but used Jer’s brother’s truck. He was still concerned about the snow. The roads were clear and the sky was blue. Our hosts were great and the realtor arrived to show us just one property that afternoon. The one we thought we were the most interested in.
We followed her up the hill on the highway but the moment we turned off; the roads were covered in packed snow. I’m usually the complainer but Jer took the lead on this. Having left the RV behind, we were both thankful we had the truck. Our realter took us deeper and deeper. Jer complained more and more. The road became less traveled. When we arrived, the plot was on a slope. We hadn’t expected that. We nixed that one.
The realtor thought she could take us back around the loop but it hadn’t been plowed. She got stuck. Thank goodness, Jer’s brother was a former firefighter. His truck had everything in it we needed, tow ropes, a shovel, and several other useful items. Jer unstuck her car and we both carefully wiggled our vehicles around to go back the way we came.
I was already unhappy about how much this trip was costing us but trying to be optimistic. Jer went on and on about how difficult having to drive in the snow would be in the winter, not to mention the dense forest blocking any sun from getting through. I became very discouraged. Jer quickly adjusted his attitude to face another day of plot hunting.
And this was only one day and one plot. Just wait till you hear what happened the next day.