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Skipping School

Never have I ever…well, only once have I skipped school.

I woke to an early, sunny spring day and obediently headed off to school as usual. Early spring teased with me, making me long for the summer fun waiting a head. Northwest Oregon weather does a lot of flip flops during this time of year. Even weathermen will predict a week of sunshine, only to have to tell us the next day a new rain system rolled in. On this particular day of my freshman year, my best friend and I lamented over having to sit in classrooms, missing out on the sun. After first period, we decided this was our day, a day for fun. Her home was a couple miles away. An easy walk. No one was home, so we planned our adventure and decided to go the Zoo. Unfortunately, the weather did that flip flop thing within the time we arrived to her house and our planning. Dark foreboding clouds hung over, as if God were showing us the foolishness of our decision. It began to rain, not sprinkle but a good solid, all-day down pour. Quick change of plans, we decide to hangout and make cookies. Disappointed but happy to make the best of it, we began. Yet, another glitch to our plan. Her adult brother showed up right in the middle of our fun. We hid, but the wonderful smell of cookies wafted through the air…while cooking in the oven. “Who’s here?” He called from the front room. My best friend step forward, we couldn’t let the cookies burn. I stayed hidden in the closet, alone...forever....or at least it felt that way.

Later that afternoon and only because I needed a ride home, I called my dad and told him I had gone over to her home after school. While I don’t think I ever told him the truth, I felt I had received punishment enough and learned my lesson.

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