As a Believer, I’ve trusted God’s promise to provide. Particularly around God’s promise to provide when we give Him the first ten percent of all we make. In fact, God promises to pour out more than we can contain. It’s not required to give but is a way to say, “God, I trust you.”
During a difficult season in our lives, when we barely had enough food to feed our family of six at the time, I opened all the cupboard doors and my refrigerator, and boldly told God, “This is not more than we can contain.”
Shortly after this we found out our daughter, Tina, had a cancerous tumor in her eye and would need surgery…immediately. I asked for the weekend, so we could pray and have other’s pray for her.
Someone asked if they could bring meals. Not really thinking it through. I told them ‘no’ but that we needed groceries. By Sunday the first bags arrived.
The next morning we head to the hospital for surgery. It was to be a day surgery but because of an emergency, we had to wait. Tina never complained about not being able to eat or drink for the whole day. Because the surgery took place later than planned, it meant spending the night at the hospital.
When we arrived home on Tuesday, my neighbor who had been watching our other children, came to me expressing embarrassment, “Stacey, I’m so sorry. I didn’t know what to do. People kept bringing food and I ran out of places to put it. There are perishable items in your garage. I’ve filled all the cupboard and the frig to the brim.”
Honestly, I was so tired it didn’t really sink in. I told her not to worry and went to my room for a nap. When I woke up and walked down the hall, I saw another large box of food sitting on our kitchen counter. It was if I heard God yell, “More than you can contain!”
Jer and I began calling people to see if they needed food. We packed up eleven bags of groceries for Jer to deliver. Before he even returned, someone arrived at our home and replace every item we had just given away. This provision continued for several months.
More than we could contain.