The beat goes on as we continue with our crazy schedule. Work during the week and a couple nights as well, then head up to the property to work on the house all weekend. I’ve begun dreading people asking if the house is done, have we moved in yet, how do you like your new place?
You can rest assured that every week we make some progress but often don’t complete a specific project. But there are those days when we feel victory. Our friend, Joel, came up to help us finish the electrical stuff. It always ends up being harder than expected but we worked through the check list.
One of the last things was to hang the fan, something Joel and Jer had tried to do once before. The angle of the ceiling required a special mount that would allow it to hang from a 60 degree angle. What made it even more difficult was that the ceiling is a good twenty feet off the ground. Then we had a six-foot rod to attach to the fixture before connecting the fan.
When I pick out items, I pick not just on price but also on, “Will I like looking at this?” I hadn’t figured the length of the blades. The men question whether there was space between the loft beam and the woodstove pipe. I just kept telling them, “It’s going to work.”
I’m excited to tell you that it did fit, just right. With it’s large span it will move the woodstove heat around the house nicely. One of the best parts is that it auto balances, meaning it doesn’t move and it’s supper quiet. This was one of my happier moments. I’ll take what I can get because I've had plenty of frustrations along the way.
The solar panel rack fence was another story. Jer had to dig trenches through tree stumps but after wielding the pickax enough times, he was successful. The fence is up and should pass inspection, but it’s not quite done. If we had had more time and money we would have done a nicer job. Right now, it’s just a race to the finish.
Final electrical inspection here we come.