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Here We Go

I feel strange mixture of feelings: excitement and nervousness. My whole adult life God has been requiring me to step out in faith, into the unknown, things I feel unqualified for. I married young and very quickly had six children, when prior to this I didn’t even like babysitting.

My sister-in-law recently joked that I started homeschooling when I could barely spell. That wasn’t too far off from the truth. I did a lot of growing and learning during those twenty years working with my children. God called me into ministry. Little did I know He would pick something I had no knowledge of or experience in, saying, “Do this, work in the area of domestic violence.” Now it's a national and international organization. I never planned to start a nonprofit. That was all God’s idea. Each time God moves me to a new thing I feel insecure, not credible, and scared. So here I go again. For the last eight year I’ve been working on a book. For the first three years, I didn’t tell anyone. Once I showed it to Chris, my friend and professional book reviewer, she enthusiastically cheered me on, saying it needed to be published because of how it had changed her life.

Many, many, many rounds of edits were made over the next two years with Chris at my side, holding my hand and encouraging me forward. Four editors later and multiple proposal requests, one from a large well-know publisher who seemed very interested but turned it down, I arrived at self-publishing. It’s LIVE and ready for pre-orders on Amazon Kindle! The book officially launches November 27, the day after thanksgiving. Paperback will be available too but can’t be purchased until the launch date. Wow, even writing this I can feel my emotions rising and falling, with excitement and apprehension. I’m donating a portion of each book sale to Will you join me in my journey? More to come. . .

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