Have you ever gone through a season where it seems everything is happening at once? I guess it would be okay if it were a whole wonderful mess of good things. It's much harder when it's a lot of difficult things putting extra responsibility and stress on your life.
A LOT has been going on in Jer's and my life that has directly impacted our progress on our dream of building our home. The darn weather this year. A late snow definitely set back our plan of moving our small trailer back on the property to work weekends. I wish I could say it was only that. Loss of staff at work, and are mothers failing health are the bigger issues, along with some less important things I won't bore you with. Jer did make a couple day trips up without me but with minimal time, progress was slow.
The county informed us that we had exceeded the deadlines on our permits. They set a time to do a progress check, which meant another day trip for Jer, but we did get 180 day extension. Deep breaths here. They will allowed one more extension before more fees are due. Feeling pressure to get things done but what about all our other responsibilities?
Here's the good news: we were able to get our trailer to the property this weekend. It snowed two inches that night and on and off most of the next day. Thankfully, the sun came out and melted most of it. Weird to see it snow and sunshine at the same time. Anyway, our goal was to move a closet and finish transitioning a barn door area to a regular door. The pictures don't do justice to Jer's work, since neither here show the completed projects.
Jer and I walked around and discussed where outlets and switch boxes would go, and what they were for. Electircal work is scheduled in two weeks. We still have more to do but these were our main goals for the weekend.
Yet, things don't always go as planned. Our trailer battery, purchased last year, is struggling to hold a charge. That means running a small generator through the night. Then we noticed our heater was struggling to cycle on and off. We began to smell hot electrical components. Needless to say, I think our heater is toast. At 5pm we packed everything in thirty minutes as a strong snow storm started to blow in. There was already an inch on the ground by the time we left. Huge disappointment for us.
Even in all this, I can say I felt so grateful for the things we did accomplish. Happiness, gratitude, and a sense of peace filled me as I sat in the trailer that first evening. I looked out the window at our beautiful house and felt like I was home. All the stress melted away, even if it was only for twenty-four hours.