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Building Two Dreams at Once

Updated: Nov 28, 2023

Building a house isn’t the only journey I’ve been on. Several years ago, I began writing, just for fun. In fact, I didn’t even tell anyone about it. I had an article published years ago and have co-authored a chapter in a book as well, and was invited to write a day in an Advent book for Moody. I even won an award for a devotional I wrote.

But this book is special to me, even though I have other books in the works to be finished after the house project. Writing Escape from Nowhere was a lot of fun. I love being creative and this was a great outlet. There is a lot of time and effort and cost that goes into writing a book. It wasn’t always fun. Nineteen rewrites and four editors later it was finally ready.

The writing world was all new to me and honestly, really scary. I joined a writing association in my state and attended my first big conference. I sat with editors and agents. Even though I walked away with four book proposal requests, which I guess is pretty impressive for a first-time writer, I felt totally overwhelmed and wanted to quit.

With the help and encouragement of other authors, I was able to pull together a fifteen-page book proposal. After sending them off I waited. Two editors and one agent turned it down but the one large publisher I really wanted shared they were interested. They even looked at it twice. Lots and lots of waiting involved here but end the end they turned my book down.

All that work and money spent on a book with a message I love, written creatively, couldn’t just sit on my computer. So, I self-published like a lot of authors do these days.

I’m not skilled at marketing and didn’t have a lot of time to invest in it. I’ve sold a few hundred but I believe more people need to hear this message of hope and have fun doing it.

Escape from Nowhere a story of overcoming fear and doubt, choosing to believe the truth over the lies. We all struggle with these things but there is a way to escape, if we are willing. Give the book a try for yourself or a friend. Don’t forget to let me know what you think.

Message me if you would like to purchased a signed copy. $12.99 includes shipping.

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